






责任编辑:王文彤  潘斌  刘聪 




订购: 全国各地邮局

国内总发行: 北京报刊发行局

国外总发行: 中国国际图书贸易总公司(北京市399信箱)

国内统一刊号:CN 11-2378/TU

国际标准刊号:ISSN 1002-1329

广告许可证: 京海工商广字第












Aims & Scope

    City Planning Review is a peer-viewed monthly academic journal of Urban Planning Society of China, which is the only legally registered academic and professional organization at state level of China in the field of urban studies and planning. 

    The journal was established in 1977. Since its inception, the journal has remained at the leading edge of intellectual and policy debate on urban studies and planning issues. It covers the latest and most important achievements of the empirical, theoretical, and policy research in the field of urban studies and planning. High-quality articles published involve various aspects of urban studies and planning, such as urban and regional studies, community development, urban governance and policy, built environment planning, urban design. Its readers include  scholars, professionals and policy makers.

    The journal has alway been regarded as an academic journal of the highest level in the field of urban studies and planning. It is one of the kernel Journals of both natural science of China and social science of China. The journal is also one of the Top 100 Scientific and Technological Journals of China awarded by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the people's republic of China. In recent years, China International Evaluation and Research Center for Academic Literatures has the journal in the lists of the Highest International Impact Academic Journal of China.

    The journal aims to maintain and extend its role as the platform for those working on the forefront of the empirical, theoretical, and policy research about urban studies and planning.


Price per issue: $12.00

China’s Standard Serial Number: CN11-2378/TU

International Standard Serial Number: ISSN1002-1329

Published monthly

Color printing

112 pages per issue


Address: Room 111, Northern Annexation Building, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,

No. 9 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, P. R. China, 100037

Tel: +86-10-58323851

Email: bjb@planning.org.cn cityplan@china.com

Website: www.planning.com.cn

Wechat: chengshiguihuazazhi